Alignment Health Services offers treatments in NeuroFascial Reset (NFR), Therapeutic Massage and Bio-feedback.

What is Digital Acupuncture?

Acupuncture has been a widely studied and debated treatment for a variety of health concerns. There are differing theories on how it works, with some attributing its success to stimulating sensory neurons, increasing blood flow, and activating the central nervous system, while others focus on its ability to balance the Chi through the 12 meridian pathways. Regardless of the theory, numerous studies have shown that acupuncture can alleviate pain, improve sleep, and boost overall health.

But, for those who are hesitant to try traditional acupuncture due to possible risks such as bleeding, soreness, and infection, we have great news! We have developed a new technology that offers a fast and painless solution for clearing all meridian channels in less than ten minutes. Our biofeedback machines use digital acupuncture, which is a non-invasive treatment perfect for those who don’t have the time to lie down for an hour or are afraid of needles.

Our biofeedback machine is effective, fast, and efficient, scanning and treating all meridians to increase your energy, improve your sleep, and boost your immune system. There is no risk of infection associated with this non-invasive procedure, making it a practical solution for those who are health conscious or have compromised immune systems. 

Book your appointment today and take control of your health!