Alignment Health Services offers treatments in NeuroFascial Reset (NFR), Therapeutic Massage and Bio-feedback.

Digital Acupuncture

Acupuncture has a long-standing history of being a treatment that is both studied and discussed in the medical field. There are various views on how acupuncture works, with some believing that it stimulates neurons, promotes blood flow and improves overall health, while others believe it balances Chi through the meridian pathways. Despite the conflicting theories, studies have confirmed that acupuncture is a reliable method for relieving pain and improving sleep, among other health benefits.

In recent times, advancements in technology have resulted in the emergence of a new and innovative form of acupuncture. This new, revolutionary digital acupuncture technology is fast, painless and effective while clearing all meridian channels in as little as ten minutes. Digital acupuncture is perfect for people who are tight on time, or for whom the thought of traditional needle-based acupuncture is daunting. This non-invasive treatment guarantees zero risks of infection and has proven to be an efficient and effective method to increase energy, improve sleep quality and boost the immune system.

If you have concerns about your health or have a weak immune system, it is highly recommended that you make an appointment with Alignment Health Services. With this practical solution, you can take control of your health, enjoy pain relief, improve your sleep quality and enhance your overall well-being. 

Don’t wait, act now and reap the many health benefits of digital acupuncture!